Line2 Account Manager: Account: Payment Info and Disable Invoice


Line2 Number and Password

1. Log into your Line2 account
2. Click on Account on your main dashboard
3. Navigate to Payment Info on the left hand side of your screen

4. If you need to make changes to your current credit card on file, click on edit.
You will then be prompted to enter your updated credit card information
If you need to add a completely new card, click on Add New Credit Card

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 1.46.18 PM (1).png
Helpful Hint: Adding additional credit cards will help prevent service interruption should your primary card expire, become lost or stolen.


Enable/Disable Sending of Invoice 

  1. Log into your Line2 account
  2. Click on Account on your main dashboard
  3. Navigate to Payment Info on the left hand side of your screen
  4.  Select the On or Off button to disable or enable your invoice

Add Email Address to Invoice 

  1. Log into your Line2 account
  2. Click on Account on your main dashboard
  3. Navigate to Payment Info on the left hand side of your screen
  4. Select + Add Email Address
  5. Enter the Email Address you wish to have invoices sent to, select Done.
  6. To delete an email address, select the X button and press Yes. 


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