Line2 App for iOS: Install, Set Up, Notifications

Install Line2 App

  1. Go to the App Store and search for "Line2"
  2. Tap GET or the Cloud icon and then press Install
  3. Enter your Apple ID's password to confirm installation
  4. After Line2 has been installed, sign In with your Line2 Phone Number and Password

Set Up Line2 App 

Notification Setup
First time launching Line2, you will see 3 pop-ups requesting permission for Line2 :

  •   send you Notifications
  •   access your Microphone 
  •   access your Contacts

 Press OK when being prompted for each of these options. 
 You will have the ability to enable or disable these settings at a later time if needed.

Photos, Camera, Location and Siri Setup
You will need to grant Line2 permission to access your Photos, Camera and Location before using these features.

Photo Permission
The first time you attach an image to message, you will receive a pop-up asking if you would like Line2 to access your photos. When this pop-up appears, click OK.

Camera Permission
 In order to send a photo that is not currently saved in your phone, Line2 will need to access your camera. To grant access, click the paperclip icon, press Take a Photo, and tap OK.

Location Permission
If you want to the ability to share your location via message, you will need to grant Line2 permission to access your location . To grant access, click the paperclip icon and tap Allow once the pop up appears.

Siri Permission
If you want to send Line2 messages with Siri, you will need to grant permission to Line2 to use Siri. To grant access, open your Settings app, click Line2, select Siri & Search, and toggle the switch next to Use with Siri.
Helpful Hint:  We recommend setting the Alerts style to Persistent, which makes the notification remain on your screen until you take an action. 
Setting Up Persistent alerts:

  • Settings 
  • Line2 
  • Notifications
  • Tapping Persistent.

Add E911 Address

Helpful Hint: The first time you log-in to your Line2 App you will be automatically prompted to enter your E911 Address. You can either add your address or decline. Skipping this step will mean no address is added for 911 services and you should NOT use Line2 for a 911 call.

  • Click Ok when E911 Pop Up Appears
  • Click Edit in upper right corner
  • Enter the required information
  • Click Done


Update E911 Address

  • Open Line2 App for iOS
  • Tap Settings in the bottom right-hand corner
  • Go to Account 
  • Click on your Line2 Number
  • Scroll down and tap Update Emergency Address 
  • Tap Edit
  • Enter the address where you want emergency services sent if you call 911
  • Press Done

Customize Notifications

Enable your Call, Message and Voicemail Notifications

  • Open the Settings app on your iOS Device 
  • Click Line2 > Notifications
  • Toggle the switch next to Allow Notifications
  • In the notification tab you can enable or disable Sounds, Badge App Icon, Show on Lock Screen, Show in History

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